There are no accidents.

“There are no accidents… there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.” -deepak chopra

I can’t help but feel that everything happens for a reason and that the people I meet are put on my path for a specific reason.

To me there is no such thing as an accident.


When I take the time and look at the big picture of my whole life and the sum of my experiences and the life lessons I’ve gained though it all, I see that all the people I have ever met were an important piece of the puzzle of my life. Even though some of them I could have definitely skipped meeting, they still are important in bringing me to where I am today.

I am still unsure of all the exact reasons of why I met and meet the people I meet but I trust that it is the way is supposed to be.

I believe that if we can be aware enough maybe we can make sense of why we are meant to meet the people we meet.

“People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.”

Maybe we have a lesson to learn, maybe we have some good/bad times to go through and maybe we are meant to have a deeper connection and keep them for a lifetime.

Some people come into our lives as blessings, and some to teach us a lesson. Some are put on our path to help us and guide us to where we need to be.  Whatever the reason may be they are definitely meant to be there.

Thinking about this today has reminded me to cherish my friendships, to be grateful for the people coming in to my life and to appreciate the lessons I’ve learned even from those who were not meant to stay.

Once and a while it is good to have a look at who we surround ourselves with. What do they bring to you? What do you bring to them? If nothing positive comes out of it, maybe it is time for a little clean up. Be with people who bring out the best out of you.


If you are looking for more positive relationships and connection in your life, remember that you receive what you manifest, you get back what you put out into this world.

Here are 3 simple ways I manifest positive connections in my life.

1. By realizing that the universe is always listening and responding: I truly believe in what I ask for I will receive

2. By bringing more awareness into my life: Practicing yoga and meditation helps me to bring a sense of well being and stillness that helps create a place to discover what it is I want to ask for.

3. By being aligned with my true self: Things will just flow in the right direction and people will be attracted to it if it comes from a place of authenticity.


What ways do you manifest more positive connections and love to your life?

I want to finish this post by saying thank you for reading. This is no accident that you are here with me reading this post today.

Happy Catday!

Brandi xox

About Brandi

I am a fun loving, positive thinker who loves to help others and influence their lives in a good and positive way. I love to travel, meet new people, talk about life. I enjoy lazy Sundays, which I refer to as catdays. I love to be bare foot. One of my favorite things is hanging out near the ocean and gazing at the sparkle as though diamonds in the water. I am a fan of the outdoors, connecting with nature's simplicity. I am interested in fitness and practicing a healthy balanced lifestyle. I newly discovered the practice of yoga and fell for it deeply. I have studied Sociology and Social work. But that's not all. I have a very sensitive heart filled with hopes, dreams, wonder and fears, that makes me doubt what I really want out of my life. I often ponder upon the questions of life and my purpose in it. I am scared of being judged and I am afraid of people not liking or accepting me for who I truly am. I believe in everything happens for a reason and that fallowing your instinct and intuition is the key to unveiling who you really are!
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2 Responses to There are no accidents.

  1. Murielle Doucet says:

    Encore tres intéressant Brandi , un gros merci de partager avec nous autre. I love my ME day, j’en prend au moins une par semaine pis des fois………….deux…… depuis que j’ai commencé a lire tes blog .LOL xox

  2. Brandi says:

    Merci Merci Murielle!! Je suis super contente d’entendre que tu prends des ME days!! We deserve them and I believe that is it super important to take time for ourselves! Merci encore de me lire. xox

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